10 Reasons to Hire a Tour Operator For Your Performance Trip



Planning a student trip or group tour takes time and expertise. It involves multiple suppliers such as: airlines, motor coach companies, attractions, accommodations and restaurants. There is a way to make this process simpler for you. Here are ten great reasons you should hire a tour operator for your next trip.

1. Save Time and Energy:

There is a lot to do when taking a group of students on a trip. By hiring a tour operator to plan your travel you can focus on more important things. Your time and energy can go to parent meetings, fundraisers, and preparing your students. While on the trip, you don’t want to have to deal with the specifics like the bus showing up on time, picking up tickets for activities or confirming all your reservations. Your responsibility should land solely on taking care of your students and your preparation for performance

2. Resources and Buying Power:

A tour operator has developed relationships over time with vendors. They are knowledgeable in the destinations and how to get the tour moving fluidly. In addition, tour operators are often given special discounts and travel considerations when booking performance opportunities.

3. Insurance:

What happens if someone gets hurt on your trip? Tour operators carry general/professional liability insurance. This means you and your trip are covered in case of any injury or property damage due to misrepresentation. In addition, your tour operator should be able to provide you with both Medical and cancellation insurance. The newest insurance available is cancel-for-any-reason insurance, which allows participants to cancel their trip as late as 48 hours prior to their trip departure and will guarantee a 75% refund for any reason.

4. Safety Due Diligence:

Safety is always a concern when traveling with students and groups. Tour operators ensure suppliers are in compliance with federal safety standards and better business practices appropriate to the age of the group. Often tour operators can provide additional security for special performances. Also, security can be hired in your hotel for the safety of the students, so chaperons and teachers can get some much needed sleep.

5. Destination Knowledge:

Tour operators have a wealth of information on many different destinations because they have either traveled there or have exceptional contacts in those areas. They know the lay of the land. By having an experienced tour operator with you, you’ll save time trying to navigate a new city on your own. This type of onsite travel experience can ensure value-added trip design and packaging.

6. Financial Ease and Cost Efficiency:

Pre-payment, all-inclusive packaging allows budgeting with greater certainty. Since we are handling the arrangements, you only have one payment to make. We can handle budgeting and set up payment plans customized for your needs. In addition, we provide online registration so you do not have to handle the money and parents can pay us directly. Furthermore, the software allows for a direct contact with your treasurer to make fundraising deposits specifically for each student.

7. Experienced Staff:

We are reputable travel professionals who understand the flow of your itinerary. This means your trip is planned to insure efficiency in travel time. All of our tour managers have been trained and vetted by management.

8. Operational Structure:

We have done this before. We have processes in place to make sure things run smoothly. From payment collection, to getting teachers, parents, and students the information they need. Our attention to detail is a guarantee.

9. Multiple City Itineraries:

If your trip includes more than one city, there is an added layer of complexity. Ensure smooth travel by relying on the experience and expertise of a tour operator. We can make sure your travel time is efficient and avoid common pitfalls.

10. Special Needs Management:

Do you have a student or group member who needs specific accommodations? We know who to ask and what to ask for. Whether you are traveling internationally or domestically, we can make sure your needs are handled flawlessly to ensure maximum enjoyment of your trip.

Why you should use a tour operator

Planning a group tour takes time, expertise, and involves multiple suppliers. Airlines, motor coach companies, attractions, accommodations, and restaurants all have different considerations. An experienced tour operator will seamlessly coordinate your group’s entire trip—without extra work for you. They will make all the necessary arrangements to accommodate your trip requests. Tour operators also ensure that suppliers follow federal safety standards. They can make sure the suppliers provide proof of better business practices and are appropriate to the age of your group.

About the Author
Bruce Rickert is focused on making student group travel interesting and fun. For more information on hiring a tour operator, go to the Student Youth Travel Association website at www.syta.org or contact Bruce Rickert at Peak Performance Tours at 800-220-0165 or visit www.peakperformancetours.com.


