Anita Cracauer is the founder of, an online catalog of show choir arrangements. She has worked as a freelance arranger, songwriter, and publisher in the show choir industry since 2001. In addition to writing and publishing, she judges competitions across the country and educates others on the topics of arranging, songwriting, and copyright licensing/publishing.

Going Beyond the Score: How to Involve Your Instrumentalists in the Important Task of Adapting the Music as Your Show Evolves

Most of the top show choirs in the nation work closely with an arranger throughout the entire show production process, from conception to...  More

Going Beyond the Score: How to involve your instrumentalists in the important task of adapting the music as your show evolves.

Most of the top show choirs in the nation work closely with an arranger throughout the entire show production process from conception to...  More

Get Exactly What You Want: Custom-Written Show Choir Music

Are you tired of searching for a song that fits your show theme, communicates your particular message, has enough musical interest for the...  More

Choosing Arrangements for a Well-Paced Show

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a rehearsal feeling like the energy of your show was completely dying out? Or worse yet, have...  More